Help Us Build the W.A. Bush Fire Museum and Education Centre

The W.A. Bush Fire Museum and Heritage Group Inc is on an ambitious plan to build the first dedicated Bush Fire Museum and Education Centre in the South West of the state.

But we need your help.

We are putting out the call to individuals, Bush Fire Brigades, Service Clubs, local governments and businesses to either donate or sponsor the development of the new Bush Fire Museum.

Our goal? $100,000. We know it’s a big ask, but together we can do it.

We have been successful in obtaining a grant to commence the construction of the Museum and Education Centre, however, this grant covers the cost of building the shed, with no utilities such as power and water, ablutions, internal fit out or outside works included. We need to do this work before we can invite the public in to view the magnificent history and stories of those who have protected our communities from the ravages of bush fires.

How to Donate

If you wish to donate directly to the Museum, please see our details on our website.